A.I. Appointment Setters

From Cold Leads to Booked Appointments on Auto-Pilot

A.I. Appointment Setters

From Cold Leads to Booked Appointments on Auto-Pilot

More Time Talking To Hot Prospects, Less Time Chasing Cold Leads.

Our A.I. Appointment Setter's will connect with your leads immediately (when they are HOT), then use AI-powered chat to qualify them and book them on your calendar automatically. The main goal is to weed out the "time wasters" so that you can talk to prospects that actually want your services. Doing this manually and calling each lead one by one can be very time consuming and frustrating. When you are a business owner, the last thing you want to be doing is wasting time calling prospects that are not even interested in your services. Instead of hiring an expensive assistant to handle this task for you, we suggest using our A.I. Appointment Setters.

More Time Talking To Hot Prospects, Less Time Chasing Cold Leads.

Our A.I. Appointment Setter's will connect with your leads immediately (when they are HOT), then use AI-powered chat to qualify them and book them on your calendar automatically. The main goal is to weed out the "time wasters" so that you can talk to prospects that actually want your services. Doing this manually and calling each lead one by one can be very time consuming and frustrating. When you are a business owner, the last thing you want to be doing is wasting time calling prospects that are not even interested in your services. Instead of hiring an expensive assistant to handle this task for you, we suggest using our A.I. Appointment Setters.

Fast Speed To Lead Time 24/7, 365.

We all know the longer you wait to contact leads, the less likely you are to convert them. Our A.I. Appointment Setters will reach out to the lead almost instantly to begin qualifying them while the lead is still fresh. Be there for your customers, even when you’re not. Our A.I. Appointment Setters work around the clock, even after normal business hours. Now you'll be able to follow up with leads instantly, without lifting a finger!

Use Your Current Lead Gen Strategies

You don't need to make any big changes in order to implement our A.I. Appointment Setters into your business. This new way allows you to generate leads through simple lead forms that only require a phone number to sign up. And where these types of leads would usually be high volume, but low quality........ We can counteract that by qualifying the lead through SMS, whilst still taking advantage of the super low CPL's that lead form brings.

Use Your Current Lead Gen Strategies

You don't need to make any big changes in order to implement our A.I. Appointment Setters into your business. This new way allows you to generate leads through simple lead forms that only require a phone number to sign up. And where these types of leads would usually be high volume, but low quality........ We can counteract that by qualifying the lead through SMS, whilst still taking advantage of the super low CPL's that lead form brings.

Human-like Interaction

This is unlike any "automation" you've ever seen before. Say goodbye to "invalid answers" and "nonsensical responses". By laying out a set of instructions, the AI knows that its main objective is to sell to the prospect and mimic a natural, human-like response. This way, if the customer doesn't understand something or if they have other questions, our A.I. will be able to respond without hitting a feedback loop. You'll move prospects closer to the sale, by getting them to choose a specific time to speak directly with you.

Completely "Done For You"

Don't worry about trying to set this whole thing up yourself, because we have you covered. All you have to do is give us some basic information and our prompt engineers will get straight to work on training your custom A.I. Appointment Setting chatbot. Your chatbot is specifically tailored for your business and it is completely one-off.

Completely "Done For You"

Don't worry about trying to set this whole thing up yourself, because we have you covered. All you have to do is give us some basic information and our prompt engineers will get straight to work on training your custom A.I. Appointment Setting chatbot. Your chatbot is specifically tailored for your business and it is completely one-off.

Increase Booking and Show Rate %, While Lowering CPL.

Save Yourself Time

Now you can focus 100% of your time on providing your primary services. No need to pick up the phone and call each lead one by one to qualify them yourself. Now you can just check your calendar to see when you have an appointment with a high quality prospect.

Save Yourself Money

No need to spend thousands of dollars every month for an assistant or for a human appointment setter that works off of commissions. We find that many businesses are spending upwards of $3,000+ per month for someone to qualify their leads and to book them for an appointment. Our service is astronomically cheaper than anything else out there, while our quality is top tier.

Easily Integrates With Leading Apps

Start growing with AppointmentSetters.AI today!

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We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.